
Thursday, February 19, 2009


今天心血来潮自己动 手做了ice-cream@ home. 真爽!!
hmm, actually, making it wasn't that hard or fantastic, but eating it sure was shiok! Ha ha...

I had a very fantastic gift recently , it's a ice-cream maker that helps freeze the custard you make into semi solid ice-cream you can lick into!! =)

I bought lots of fruits today but finally decided to make rich creamy avocado ice-cream. It tasted fantastic as a custard but I didn't know how it'd be as an iced dessert.

Below, you can see the glorious rich creamy green colour of the avocado. Doesn't it just look yummy? While churning, I couldn't resist sticking my finger into the cold avocado cream & licking whatever's stuck on it when I take it out. I'll try something with alcohol the next time I make ice-cream, do come back & see what I've made!! =P

Monday, February 9, 2009

today went past just like any other day...

I wanted to take a walk in town, watch a movie or something.

i put on my contact lenses, washe my face and put on a nice outfit.

then i plonked my butt right in front of the computer and then, I didnt go out after all...


maybe tomorrow i will..