
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Star Awards 2007

Praise the Lord! Really glad I have that honour to be part of this year's Star Awards.

Thanks guys and gals for your support and cheers! Though I did not win, I'm really happy to be nominated already... Besides there's the whole of next year to work hard for and try to get a nomination again, right? :)

I had a lot of fun last Sun, taking pictures and having lots of good food to eat during the post party =) All the girls looked so good! Yes and sure, the guys were very handsome too :)

I took some pics and gonna post some of it up... Soon =p


joel said...

jiayou :D



1.题目: 原来
小朋友写: 原来他是我爸爸。
老师评语: 妈妈关切一下

3.题目: ..一边.........一边...........
小朋友写: 他一边脱衣服 ,一边穿裤子.
老师评语: 他到底要脱还是要穿啊~~

9. 题目: 其中
小朋友写: 我的其中一只左脚受伤了。
老师评语 : 你是蜈蚣?~~

10.题目: 一... 就....
小朋友写: 一只娃娃就要一百块。
老师评语: 老师笑到不行..

11.題目: 你看
小朋友写: 你看什么看! 没看过啊

12. 照样造句
例题: 你 [唱歌] 我 [跳舞]
小朋友写: 你 [好吗] 我 [很好]
老师评语: 你在写英文翻译吗??

例题: 别人都夸我[ ],其实我[ ]
小朋友写: 别人都夸我[很帅], 其实我[是戴面具的]。
老师评语: 什么面具这么好用???

14.题目: 好... 又好..
小朋友写: 妈妈的腿,好细又好粗 ...
老师评语: 那到底是细还是粗?

15.题目: 陆陆续续
小朋友写: 下班了,爸爸陆陆续续的回来。
老师评语: 你到底有几个爸爸呀?

20.题目: 皮开肉绽
小朋友写: 停电的夜晚,到处很黑,我吓得皮开肉绽!
老师评语: 看到这句... 老师佩服你。

21. 题目: 欣欣向荣-比喻生长美好的样子。
小朋友写: 我的弟弟长得欣欣向荣。
老师评语: 孩子,你弟弟是植物人吗...
小朋友写 : 欣欣向荣荣告白。
老师评语: 连续剧不要看太多~~

22. 题目 : 谢谢....因为......
小朋友写: 我要谢谢妈妈,因为她每天都帮我写作业 ......
老师评语: 原来你的作业是妈妈写的!!!!!!!

23.题目: 难过
小朋友写: 我家门前有条水沟很难过。
老师评语: 老师更难过 ......

26. 题目: 天才
小朋友写: 我3天才洗一次澡。
老师评语: 要每天洗才干净~~

27.題目: 一 … 便…
小朋友写: 我一走出门,对面就是便利商店。
还有一個更瞎的 …
小朋友写: 哥哥一吃完饭,就大便。
老师评语: 造句不要乱造 ...

31.題目: 又.....又.....
小朋友寫 : 我的妈妈又矮又高又瘦又肥。

32 果然

33 瓜分

15.题目: 陆陆续续
小朋友写 : 下班了,爸爸陆陆续续的回来。
老师评语: 你到底有几个爸爸呀?

34 好吃

35 况且

Li Li said...

Hi Eelyn, i was disappointed you didn't win but it's okay, I'm sure you'll work harder for next round! All the best! I am watching you in Kinship II :)

-Li Li

lovell said...

Dear Eelyn, I thought that u acted reallllyyyy well in Kinship and that it was a pity that u did not win the award. U can act really well, and i'm sure that if u keep it up, you would surely win an award for SA2008! Jia you!