
Friday, September 26, 2008

Sexy Sleeping Pose...

Please... Did I say it's my sexy sleeping pose??! hahahah

Its my kitty Fyfi, she has really sexy sleeping poses and I took this while she was sound asleep... either she had a really late night or she thinks the light from the sun's too glaring, hahaha...

heheh.. cute right??

Sexy Kitty

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Korean Drama (&帅哥)给我的感动

coffee prince

趁着最近有点空, 便追看前阵子让新加坡人风靡的韩剧《咖啡王子一号店》。



刚看到第7集, 我就对这小妹妹的演技越来越赞赏。 演的太自然了,该象男生一样粗鲁时, 就大口大口的猛吞食物。。。 被对她友好感、怀疑自己是同性恋的老板要求包包时,被突如其来的这个举动吓了一跳、又有女生内心小鹿乱撞的羞涩。。。 真实让我直呼:棒啊!!


为什么啊?因为它们节奏虽然有点慢,但就因为这样,人物感情的刻画却足够的空间和时间去表达的更自然、更丰富、更精彩。本来是要做参考、做功课的我,不由自主的被‘高恩璨’, ‘崔汉成’和‘崔汉杰’这几个人物的户动,完完全全的吸引进去了!!

哈哈,有点slow--全国人都看完了我才来看, but 真的很enjoy feeling the love,confusion,sadness, anger and the disappointment that they feel。

也许在我将来的演出,也可参考韩国演员的演绎方式! ;)

Anyway, no spoilers hor!! dun tell me what happens in the end okay? Let me watch and +feel+ for myself ya? hehehe...
handsome one in specs

**ps-- 我觉得李善钩,那个带黑眼镜的男演员超帅!! 可能是他的斯文man look appeal to me 吧!! 呵呵。。。

wahhhh, 流口水了。。!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

手做电话包h handmade phone holder

昨晚, 不, 应该是昨天凌晨, 睡不着所以心血来潮,亲手缝制了一个手提电话包。原本只是握着几个月前在牛车水购买的不织布料,也不知道要缝什么。突然简讯铃声响了,眼睛瞄到电话,索性连简讯也不回便开始动手穿针线了。

过程花了我4个钟。 有点长, but你要知道我从中二就没试过动手制作手工了okay!!其实动脑想点子、搞创意真的很费心思。一直不知道要缝什么图安。结果。。。 嘿嘿,制成品就在下面! cute 吗??

我可是感到很自豪哦! 下次要try making small coin purse或者tote-bag了!! 到时,在放上网给大家看咯! =)

couldnt get to sleep yesterday morning in the wee hours, so decided to spend time sewing my own phone holder. i dun have a sewing machine so everything is handmade.

took me 4 hurs to complete but the process was fun. was a lil rusty doing handicrafts like this cos the last time i sewed anything, was back when i was in secondary school! so i decided to try making something simple and graduate into something bigger next time when i am more adept at this.

quite pleased with the result actually... cant wait to try making a purse or a tote soon!!! :)